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Guide - Learning Center *selected
Chat Room *selected
Directory *selected
Transgender Information *selected
Resources *selected
Transgender Resources - A
well-designed site that provides resources and links to other sites of interest
pertaining to legal issues, and other resources including transgender clothing, makeup, voice techniques,
hair styling and health.
Academic Links
- The
Disparate Classification of Gender and Sexual Orientation in American
Psychiatry - The issues of gender identity and sexual
orientation are compared in light of current definitions of mental disorder
in this paper.
and the Arts - A course description on androgyny at the University of
Transsexual, and Transvestite Issues. -
Transgender-Transsexual-Transvestite Knowledge: articles, papers, books, and
films. Their problems, including the highly harmful ignorance of average
people and most professionals is featured.
An Online Course Project - This course contains guides to studying gender difference
and transgender expression in an academic environment. Includes syllabi with
teaching suggestions, student papers, bibliographies, links, and more.
Trans Academics - Newer transgender academic studies and topics.
Activist Links
- Debra
Davis and the Gender Education Center - Transgender resources and
information about Ms. Davis, a transgender High School librarian who
transitioned on her job in 1998. Gender Education Center is a Minnesota
non-profit organization of differently gendered people dedicated to support,
education, and advocacy.
- The
Feminist Conspiracy: Flyer Gallery - An excellent collection of signs and
flyers, that includes some nifty pro-trans bathroom signs to print out and
spread everywhere.
- Fighting
Bigoted Journalism - A well-articulated objection to Dea Birkett's
article that slammed the rights of transsexuals to gender reassignment surgery.
Includes rules and tips for non-trans journalists.
- Gender
Education & Advocacy - The web site of Gender Education and
Advocacy, that provides resources and activism for the transgender community.
"The organization for gender variant people for the new
millennium." Divisions include "It's Time, America," AEGIS,
and the Remembering Our Dead project.
- GenderPAC -
A not-for-profit organization, composed of individuals and groups, that are dedicated
to a broad-based, inclusive national movement for "gender, affectional,
and racial equality."
- In Your
Face! - "Political Activism Against Gender Oppression." A
national online news service edited by Clare Howell, including areas for
discussion, feedback, and organizing below each news event.
- Lambda
Letters Project - Helping members and friends affect public policy in
areas of concern to the communities of HIV/Aids, GLBT, women and people
of color.
- Remembering
Our Dead - Transgendered - A website dedicated to preserving the memory
of transgender individuals murdered by hate and killed by predjudice.
- The
Transgender Fund - The Mission of The Transgender Fund is to financially
support qualified movements designed to advance the interests of the
transgender community. Particular attention will be placed upon
collaborative education, research, and public awareness programs among
community organizations that foster the well-being of the Transgendered, their families, partners, friends, and the population-at-large.
- The
Transgender International Rights & Education Day Page (TIRED) -
There are now hundreds of support and advocacy groups for transgendered
persons around the world and more are joining together every day. T.I.R.E.D. is
a single cause to unite all of these organizations in a single action, at least
for one day, every year. (Specifcally, August 7th, in memory of Tyra Hunter.)
Menace - Toronto - A website focusing on transsexual and transgender information in the
Toronto, Ontario, Canada area.
International - TS Menace is a list for TG/TS community activists and
would be activists located all over the world to chat and talk about what's
happening in the community and what needs to be changed and also updated through working
Coming Out
- Post
Your Story - A space where trans and GLBT youth can post and share coming-out and
self-realization experiences.
- Telling
Parents - An explanation about how and when to come out to your parents as transgendered.
- TransFamily
Of Cleveland - Letters - A resource of letters, written by real people,
to either come out or explain the coming out of a transgendered loved one.
- Transition
Letter Archive - These aren't exactly "coming out" letters.
The main goal is to transition; coming out is a side-effect that is often not
welcome, is always stressful, and for many people is as temporary as
- Transitions
That Work - People who help companies deal with transitioning employees.
They offer diversity training focused on transgender issues, alone or as an
adjunct to broader diversity training. They make presentations to EAP
personnel, management teams, and coworkers to help them understand
transsexualism, to offer guidance about management strategies, and to advise
them about what to expect.
- Why
Bother Coming Out? - This article gives some very clear and incredibly valuable advice
about whether one should come out in certain situations, and if so how and
when to do so the most effectively.
Ethnic Groups
- Asian
Transgendered Club - A "yahoo! club" home for asian
transgendered people.
- Bay Area American Indian Two Spirits.
- Brian
Lantelme Photography - This New York-based photographer presents visual
insight into New York City's transgendered community.
- Cafe
Trans Arabi - Focus on the Middle Eastern Transgendered Community who truly
have no voice. Includes information, photos, and ezine.
Muslim Webring - A Webring connecting sites by and for lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender muslims.
P. Johnson - A memorial to one of NYC's oldest and best-known drag,
transgendered, and African American activists.
Muslims Home Page - Resources and FAQ's for
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered Muslims and allies.
Potion #9 - Featuring a variety of queer/trans films from the 15th Annual Asian
American Film Festival (1997).
- Organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area transgendeer community, that
includes the Asian and Pacific Islander Wellness Center's Club
Metamorphosis and Dragon Club, Instituto Familiar de la Raza, and Proyecto
ContraSIDA Por Vida.
- Trikone
- Events and a magazine for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender South
Family and
- Dana
Bourne, webDOTgal - Resources for transgendered people and their
- Even
Genetic Girls Get the Blues - Personal essay about one woman's first
meeting for partners of cross-dressers.
- For
the Wives and Girlfriends - Reflections and advice for and by partners
and mates of crossdressers and transvestites.
for January 16, 1999 - Announcement of a soffa activists' chat on AOL.
You're Going to Be a Female, Please Don't Be an Airhead - "I'm 39
years old, and about two decades ago I made a decision to reject some of the
feminine frippery that I found--to dust off a phrase from the
Sixties--demeaning to women."
and Amanda - A hetrosexual crossdresser and his wife share their bios, pictures and real life adventures.
and Mikal - Mikal is 23 yrs. old and is a pre-everything FTM. Patty is
33 yrs. old and a bi femme boychick. These two are looking to make new friends in
this ever expanding FTM-S/O community.
Stories - "If you have AIS or are the parents of an AIS child, we
would like to hear from you. We will use this part of the web site to
display people's stories."
the magazine of The Gender Centre - "A great many of the articles
and stories appearing in transgendered publications center around the
crossdresser´s needs, and rights, to express their feminine side.."
= Death - A great essay from the partner of an intersexed lesbian, that
focuses on coming to identify as part of the transgender and intersex communities and
unite in battle.
Yes! - A little talk from us at the American Boyz page on our significant
others, the transitions and challenges they face with us.
North Carolina - STARR is a support group for heterosexual cross
dressers and wives/SO's that meet on the second weekend of the month in a
non sexual environment. Located in North Carolina.
Forming Families Book - Excerpts - Here are little tastes of what's in the whole
book, with captions like "Tell Grandma I'm a Boy" and "More
Than 'Standing By My Trans'."
- TransFamily
Cleveland - This is a support group for transgendered
and transsexual people, their parents, partners, children, family
members, friends, and supportive others and provides referrals, literature,
and over-the-phone information on transgender issues.
Winter, 1997 - A site that includes stories like "How did I start out with a
melancholy Catholic daughter and end up with a contented Jewish son? (The
tale of Philadelphia T*FAM)," "Life is more fun married to a
transsexual," and "Mary Boenke - A PFLAG leader's lesbian daughter
becomes her son."
- Trans-Partners
- Partnering issues in the transgendered community.
and Gender Transition FAQ - Information for friends, family, and
co-workers of the transgendered person. A question and answer format that is
supportive and simple with clear content.
and Marriage - "A couple enters a marriage because they care about
the welfare of their partner. The couple agree to work together in times of
health or sickness, during times of financial plenty or when disaster hits."
If? - A lovely essay by a Quaker P-FLAG member.
Suggestions for FTM and SOFFAs - This is a list of about 26 workshops that
Amboyz folks wrote up a few years ago to demonstrate how F2M issues can be
inclusive of the whole spectrum of F2Ms as well as to soffas.
- Chromosomes
and Genetic Mapping - Understanding how mapping can affect the gender of a
- Information resource for all who advocate reform of the psychiatric
classification of gender diversity as a mental disorder. It includes
documents, cited
references, and advocates.
- The Samui
(Gender Reassignment) Clinic - The Samui Clinic in Thailand provides first
class sex change surgery at affordable prices without fuss or hindrance in
a calm and conducive atmosphere.
- TransgenderSoul
- This is a creation of Denver psychologist Rachael St.Claire PsyD, it
provides resources for understanding, healing, and exploring the psychology of
transgender issues.
- Trans-Health
- A quarterly health and fitness e-zine for transgendered and transsexual
people. It features columns, and message boards.
Legal Issues
- Press for
Change - A political lobbying and educational organization
campaigning for equal civil rights and liberties for all transgendered people
in the United Kingdom.
Against Transgendered People - Summary of existing case law in the U.S.,
including employment discrimination, parental issues, marriage, immigration,
and prison issues.
Expression and Employment Discrimination Under Title VII - Legal
memorandum about how discrimination based on gender expression differs from
discrimination based on sexual orientation.
and Legislative Recommendations re Transgendered Citizens of Seattle -
Overview of discrimination against transgendered people, analysis of
effective of 1986 trans-inclusive law, recommendations for revisions to the
Sex Discrimination (Gender Reassignment) Regulations 1999 - This is the
full text of
the regulations to amend the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act to prevent
discrimination against trans people in certain circumstances.
Sexual Reassignment Act 1998 (South Australia) - This is the full text of South
Australia's legislation to recognize transgendered people in their
reassigned gender.
- Transgender
Equality: A Handbook for Activists and Policymakers - This is a guide to passing
transgender-inclusive non-discrimination legislation with introduction to
transgender issues, language for legislation, talking points, comprehensive
resource listing. 96-page book.
Issues and Sexual Orientation - This is a 1997 issue of the National Journal of
Sexual Orientation Law.
Law and Policy - Up-to-date listing of all U.S. laws that are
transgender-inclusive, intended for activists,
policymakers, and academics.
- Transgender
Law Online - This site features an MTF lawyer's articles on using transgender marriages to
legalize same-sex marriages in the U.S., as well as transgendered people in the U.S.
military, and Title VII's applications for transgendered people.
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Support Groups
- Renaissance
Transgender Association - Based in Wayne, Pennsylvania. Includes
monthly magazine, resource papers and publications, and information on
membership, chapters and affiliates, and more
(Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome) Support Group - Worldwide. Includes
medical information about Androgen Insensitivity, support group contacts,
newsletters and also personal accounts of people with AIS
Support Group Australia - This website includes meeting, contact and
legal information, a newsletter, and information on genetics, hormone
therapy, fertility and presentation.
- American Boyz,
The - United States organization. This website includes regional contact information,
the transgendered aging network, newsletters, resources and publications.
- Beaumont
Society - United Kingdom based. This site includes meeting, membership and contact
information; advice column, message boards, free email, magazine, chat room
and guest book. Significant other help line, world transgendered news, and
- Bluegrass
Belles - Based in Lexington, Kentucky. Event calendar, contact and
meeting information, and more..
- Chi
Delta Mu of Tri Ess - Based in New York City. Serving
heterosexual crossdressers, their spouses and SO's, this site includes contact
information, an events calendar, a library catalog and information on an
online forum for the children of crossdressers.
- Connecticut
Outreach Society - Based in West Hartford, Connecticut. This site
meeting, membership, and contact information, a FAQ page, calendar of
events, reading room, and information on their speakers bureau.
- Crossroads
- Based in Detroit, Michigan. This site is a membership, and features meeting and contact information.
- Edmonton
Transgender Society - Based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. This site
features meeting and
contact information.
- Gender
Metaphor Transgender Support Group - Based in Ottawa, Ontario. Includes
membership information, meeting information, couples discussion list,
only hotline and on-line support chat.
- Gender
Mosaic Transgender Support Group - Based in Ottawa, Ontario, serving
Eastern Ontario/Western Quebec. Includes membership, meeting and event
information, member photos, a library, newsletter, as well as other meeting
- Gulf Gender
Alliance - Based in New Orleans, Louisiana. This website includes contact and
membership information, an event calendar and links to members sites.
- Indy Boyz -
for FTMs/SOFFAs in Indianapolis - Based in Indianapolis, Indiana. This
site includes meeting, membership contact information and a calendar of events.
- Ingersoll
Gender Center - Based in Seattle, Washington. Includes meeting schedules, tips on
passing for the FTM and MTF, articles, and a calendar of events.
- Innvestments
- Based in the Cape Cod/Southeast Massachusetts area. This website includes meeting,
membership and contact information, a members page and newsletter, as well
as a calendar
of events.
- Masquerade
- Based in Winnipeg, Mantitoba, Canada. This website includes event pictures, membership
and contact information.
- Metropolitan
North Transgender Alliance (MeNTA) - Based in White Plains, New York.
This site includes meeting schedule, event information, newsletter, membership and
contact information.
- Montgomery
Institute - Based in Atlanta, Georgia and Montgomery, Alabama. This
website includes
membership and contact information, an event calendar and spiritual
- Northern
Concord, The - Based in Manchester, UK. This website includes membership and meeting
information, a calendar of events, help line information, a magazine,
profiles and articles.
- NorthWest
Gender Alliance - Based in Portland, Oregon. This site includes meeting and
contact information, activities and local resources.
- Ottawa
Ontario Transsexual Support - Based in Eastern Ontario/Western Quebec.
This website includes meeting, membership and contact information, a reading list and
Ottawa area resources.
Transgender Association Monterey Bay (PTAMB) - Based in Seaside,
California. Includes membership, meeting and contact information. Also a
calendar of events.
- Rhode Island
Gender Community - Based in Providence, Rhode Island. This site includes meeting,
contact, and legal information, an event calendar and more.
Transgender Group - Based in Rochester, New York. This website includes meeting and
contact information, resources, and an event calendar.
Colorado IntraRegional Transgendered Society(SCIRTS) - Based in Colorado
Springs and Pueblo, Colorado. This site includes meeting, events and contact
Louis Gender Foundation - Based in St. Louis, Missouri. This website
membership, meeting, contact information an event calendar, and more.
International - Headquartered in North Carolina. Focus on the
crossdresser, and includes email list support for cds and significant
others, contact information and information on forming your own chapter.
- Straight
Spouse Network - This is an international support network of heterosexual women and
men, formerly or currently partnered with gay, lesbian, bisexual, or
transgendered mates.
/ TS Woman - Web based. Unmoderated gender-related issues discussion
group. Open to anyone who is transgendered or transsexual, living full time
or not.
- TransBay
- Based in San Francisco, California. Includes an events calendar,
resource lists for the bay area, features, and an interactive message board.
- TransFamily
Cleveland - Based in Cleveland, Ohio. This site includes meeting and contact information,
email support groups, and more.
- Transgender
Health Action Coalition - Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Includes
meeting and contact information, support, and more.
- Transgendered
Network International - Web based. Includes membership information,
library, resources listed by state, and chat.
- Trans-pitt
- Serves the Western Pennsylvania, Eastern
Ohio, and Northern West Virginia areas. This site includes meeting, membership, and
contact information.
- Trans-Yorks
- Based in the Yorkshire region of the UK. This website includes membership information,
support chat, email list, events and more.
Gender Association - Based in Greensboro, North Carolina. This site
meeting and contact information, an event calendar and a newsletter.
- TS/TG -A large list of trans-friendly businesses by state, news releases
and links. It is home of the "Send a Trans to Camp" fund.
- Twenty
Club, Inc., The - Based in Hartford, Connecticut. Associated with the
Gender Identity Clinic of New England. This site includes meeting, contact, and newsletter
Gender Alliance - Based in Bellingham, Washington. This site includes information
on meetings, contacts, and their speakers bureau.
- West
Texas Gender Benders - Based in Lubbock, Texas. This website includes meeting and
contact information, resources and an email list.
- Western
Transsexual Support Network (WTSN) - Based in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Includes meeting and online support group information. Links to articles and other
- Western Transsexual Support Network event calendar.
- Xpressions
- Based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Includes contact, meeting and membership
information. Publications, events calendar, and more.
- Classy
Transgender - Tons of links and resources for help, legal issues, clothing, make
up, and much, much more.
- Gender
and Life's Paths - A California therapist provides information and
resources for persons with transgender concerns and issues.
- Gender
Dysphoria and Gender Identity Disorder - A psychotherapist addresses
gender dysphoria, transsexualism, transgenderism and cross-dressing.
Professional resources included.
- Gender
Identity - Information and inspiration on transitioning, family issues,
and suicide. Includes list of FAQ's and answers
regarding hormone therapy.
- Gender
Identity Clinic of New England - This clinic provides services prior to
surgery, and surgery for FTM or MTF Gender Reassignment.
Benjamin Standards of Care, The - This site covers the standards followed by many
therapists for transsexuals seeking SRS or hormone therapy.
- Ingersoll
Gender Center - Ingersoll Gender Center. Serving the Transgender
Community for 21 years. Includes support and resources.
- Intersexed
and Transgendered People - Describes common forms of transgenderism and
also offers medical information as well as related links.

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