KimPhilips - Offline
The Essentials
Last Seen: Aug. 12, 2024
Joined: Feb 08, 2020
Age: 57
Gender: Crossdresser
Location: Stafford, VA, US
Relationship Status: In an open relationship
Interested In: Crossdresser ,Male,T(M2F)
HIV Status: Negative
Height: 5 ft. 8 in. /172.72 cm.
Weight: 225 lbs.
Race/Ethnicity: White
About Me
I'm a cross dresser and effeminate by nature. I feel that my body is male, but my heart is female. I wish I had the vocabulary of the modern LGBTQ movement 25 years ago. I do much better in the company of women that trying to bluff my way thru with men.

I've been self-saddled with body image insecurities about my arms and wrists since I was a child. Only recently have I been able to wear sleeveless dresses. I am sorta on the heavy side and envious of everyone with a waist!! I'm a social democrat, liberal in love and laughter and a free thinker. If you engage on these topics, please prepare accordingly.

I really go for Black men and have ever since I met my first boyfriend in 1990 when i was 24. That turned the tide for me and tho I was married, divorced and remarried, the attraction to Black men never abated. The rumors are true, ladies, is all I will say in order to keep it a little clean here.

Please for the love of whatever you think is holy, no talk of football or any other team sport. I've literally nothing to contribute. I've no idea what you are talking about.


Education & Work
Education: Other than what is listed below, my education is setf-taught/self read.
Employer: Let's just say it is a major company in the S&P top 100.
College/University: I've a degree in Psychology from Loyola University in Baltimore, MD Been to Radford University before that, and to George Mason University and NOVA Community College for various classes.
Religion: I've been an Atheist since I was in the second grade. That day, God, the Easter Bunny and Santa had a LOT of explaining to do!
Political Views: I am a social democrat. I believe in love over money. Please-if you are one of these MAGA/Trumpies-please please don't mention it. I have an extremely low tolerance for those who cannot thing critically.
Favorite Quotes: I will work on these. There are literally too many to list.
Arts & Entertainment
Books: Way to many to mention. I have shelves full of read and To Be Read.
Movies: I love lots of movies-tho am particular to the Sci-Fi sorts. Ohh the possibilities. Star Trek, Star Wars, and and all Marvel Universe movies except that annoying Spiderman. Stan Lee is immortal.
Television: Not a huge fan of TV shows, with the exception of whatever shows I can binge watch, like Game of Thrones, Halo,
Music: Classic Rock originally, but also bluegrass and Celtic rhythms. I love a good drumming tempo. I suggest going to Renaissance Festivals and walking around with mead, dancing to the druidic melodies that play throughout the faire.
Games: My first love is and has always been good ol' Dungeons and Dragons. Best, most imaginitive game I've found to date.
Favortie Sports: I've always liked Tennis.
Favorite Teams: I don't really have a favorite football/basketball/hockey et cetera team. I really am out of my league here and don't have any knowledge of sports teams to share.
Favorite Athletes: I really have none that I follow.