TS Dating

TS Dating - Meet shemales, transexuals and crossdressers online for friendship, romance or sex hookups!

TS Dating Profiles – browse the transsexual dating profiles and photos. Click any of the member thumbnails to open their profile page. You can search the TS members database to locate local transsexuals, swap photos, chat online or send private messages. Later, you can arrange local hookups with the members that interest you most. Join free to get started. You can upgrade to a full membership later if you want premium access.

TS dating includes a variety of transgender types. We think you’ll find the array of transgender types tantalizing and delicious! This is partly why TS dating is so popular. You’ll be able to meet and mingle with transgender members including transexuals, crossdressers, nonbinary, genderfluid, intersex, androgynous people, as well as (cisgender) men and women. This is a safe and supportive space to explore your trans fantasies.  Continued below…

Local Transsexual Dating Profiles

Benefits of TS Dating Online

Some benefits to using TS dating sites as opposed to trying to meet trans people in person includes:

  1. Convenience: TS dating sites can be accessed from anywhere, so long as you have an internet connection. This makes it easier to connect with potential transgender partners.
  2. Safety: Some TS women feel safer meeting potential dates online rather than in person, as it allows them to screen and get to know their dates online prior to deciding whether to meet or not.
  3. Like-minded community: TS dating sites provide a database of like-minded people and allows TS women and admirers to connect with those share similar sexual interests and identities.
  4. Ease of finding partners: TS dating sites can make it easier for admirers and trans women to find partners who share common interests, as the sites allow users to specify their gender identity and the preferred gender identity of their desired partners.

Keep in mind that it is important to be cautious when interacting with people online and to take steps to protect your personal safety until you build a level of trust.

TS Dating or Friendship

TS dating is usually easiest online because most of us don’t run into that many trans people during our daily routine. Even if we do, how would we know? Most trans women blend beautifully so it isn’t always easy to spot. TS women sometimes have difficulty finding nonjudgmental dating. Others haven’t transitioned and aren’t ready to come out of the closet. Perhaps you fall into that category, or maybe you’re just looking for TS friends. It sure is great to have transgender friends who understand you and are nonjudgmental. It’s quite helpful to have friends for a sort of peer support where you can share information and experiences. You don’t have to be transgender to have trans friends either.

Many cisgender men and women are wonderful allies for the transgender community. Whatever your reason for wanting to meet trans friends or lovers, we’ve got you covered!

Different Types Of Trans People

You will find many different types of transgender people in the TS dating profiles. Trans people are a wonderfully diverse group so it is helpful to have at least a basic understanding of the major transgender types. Transgender is a non-specific umbrella terms that can be used to refer to a person on the trans spectrum.

Shemales are transgender sex workers such as escorts, webcam models and porn performers. Crossdressers are (usually) straight men who dress in female clothes. Drag queens are usually gay men who cross-dress to perform at drag shows or just to feel attractive. Drag queens generally have no intention of changing their gender. The distinction of a transexual is that they identify as the opposite sex. Some transexuals intend to have gender reassignment surgery while others don’t. There are other types of transgender people but just realize not all transgender people are the same.

Men Seeking TS

Perhaps surprisingly, many men seek transgender women for long-term dating or for sex hookups. If you are attracted to trans women then you’re in the right place! We do too. Search the local TS dating profiles to find your best matches. Sort by age, location or personal preferences. Set up your own profile and add some hot photos. You never know who you’ll meet!

TS Seeking TS

Plenty of trans people prefer, or are open to the idea of, dating other transgender people. It actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Attraction is in your mind and who could possibly understand a trans person better than another transgender person. We’ve heard numerous stories of transgender friends becoming lovers. That’s pretty hot — why not!

Women Seeking TS

Women seeking TS lovers is more common than most would think. A trans woman has an understanding of both genders and is uniquely qualified to both understand and satisfy a cisgender woman. We think this is awesome!

Dating Tips: Transgender Terminology

As we’ve mentioned, there are a variety of different transgender types. Don’t get tripped up by using the wrong terminology and unintentionally insulting the person you’re attracted to. It happens all the time. Our best advice is to never assume you know what terminology to use when referring to someone else. If you’re unsure of the correct terminology it is best to politely ask or better yet just call her, “she” and “her.” It is highly likely she will have mentioned it in conversation so just pay attention. If not, you could slip in a polite question to ask how she identified on the gender spectrum.